Sword of Symphonies

by Tess

Sword of Symphonies - RPG Casts | RPG Podcasts | Tabletop RPG Podcasts“Sword of Symphonies: An Actual Playtest podcast of the game Heroic Chord, run by the designer and played by her excellent friends. Sword of Symphonies is a weekly Actual Playtest podcast featuring our currently in-development TTRPG system, Heroic Chord. Join Cat, the game’s designer, along with her friends Kathleen, Kersten, and Nick as we play through the setting, discuss the system, and talk a bit about game design writ large. If you want to play along, give the game a spin, or just learn the rules behind the story, then download the manual for free at our website! It’s an optimistic adventure about bringing hope back to a destroyed world.  We hope it makes you smile.”

Average Length: Medium (45-90 minutes)

Clarification: Listen to episodes entitled “Sword of Symphonies” to hear the playtest campagin, and “Cat’s Cradle” for discussions of game design.

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