What Would The Smart Party Do?

by Tess

The Smart Party - RPG Casts | RPG Podcasts | Tabletop RPG Podcasts

“What Would The Smart Party Do?: Gaz and Baz have spent decades talking about games, ever since University, which was far too long ago for their liking. All RPG problems were solved in whiskey-fueled late night sessions, with the disappointing realization they couldn’t remember any of it the following day being the only fly in the ointment. Now older, wiser and more experienced, the plucky duo have decided to commit their enthralling discussion to this new fangled podcast technology, in the vain hopes of capturing something useful or interesting. It should be a conversation starter if nothing else. Getting them to start talking was never the problem. Making them stop however…”

Average Length: Medium (45-90 minutes)

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